Licecap : Animation Captures

Hallo sobat netter..
pernah nemuin gambar animasi kayak gini ??

Penasaran gimana cara bikinnya ??
Gampang ! Download aja program Licecap !
program kecil dan simpel yang berfungsi untuk mengambil capture scree / gambar di layar komputer kita menjadi gambar animasi. dan yang keren lagi, software ini FREE.. alias Gratiss tis tissss !!

Download LICEcap v1.24 full installer

Homepage : LICEcap

Features and options:
  • Record directly to .GIF or .LCF.
  • Move the screen capture frame while recording.
  • Pause and restart recording, with optional inserted text messages.
  • Global hotkey (shift+space) to toggle pausing while recording
  • Adjustable maximum recording framerate, to allow throttling CPU usage.
  • Basic title frame, with or without text.
  • Record mouse button presses.
  • Display elapsed time in the recording.

  • For Windows: Windows XP/Vista/7 (might work with reduced functionality on other versions)
  • For OSX: OS 10.4+ (10.6+ for full feature support), PPC or Intel (note: OS X support is still preliminary, some features are not supported)
  • A reasonably fast CPU
  • A healthy amount of RAM (1GB+, especially when encoding to LCF) 

Program diatas biasanya juga dipakai para gretongers untuk mengambil speed inet mereka, biar gak dikira speed hoax. hehehehe

Trims. Jangan Lupa Komennya ya !


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